Since connecting to old friends and acquaintances, everyone asks what I've been doing. So here it is in no particular order, you guess the order!
Became an EMT
Flunked out of college
Working on getting enough support for the first annual Northwest Alternative Fuel Vehicle Auto Show (got contacts who can probably get the hydrogen car, Volt, new hybrids, etc from BMW, Toyota, Honda and GM)
Designed, built and raced off-road gokarts
Became interested in girls
Finished high school
Got a Blackberry for $20
Helped build a soap box derby car
Pushed a soap box derby car
Working on a micro-hybrid system for heavy trucks; basically a start-stop no idle system
Fell flat on his booty while pushing a soap box derby car
Raced a soap box derby car
Finished college with nerdy degrees
Fought forest fires
Put on workshops and taught middle/high school teachers how to teach certain science subjects and specific engineering/science topics (math and science in every day life, engineering a mousetrap car, and science is fun)
Working on a method of utilizing shipping containers/trailer roofs to generate power; a method to connect them together when stored in the shipping yard and utilize the same connection to provide power to the truck that's pulling the trailer to increase fuel mileage
Spoken in front of 1000+ people
Participated in a spelling bee (Mondays at Mississippi Pizza, Portland OR)
Spoken to 50 different K-12 classes (~1000 or so students I think) about math, science and engineering
Sold some of his photographs for money
Spent too much money on fountain pens; finally stopped buying one after the last $230 pen
Working on a wireless data transmission for heavy truck electronic controllers (switches and sensors)
Chaired a local chapter of an international engineering society (still on the governing board)
Had the idea and wrote the original bylaws for a leadership club
Working on designing a human-hybrid electric vehicle
Became homeless
Saved too many voice messages from his 4 yr old nephew
Watched Dancing with the Stars on a regular basis
Felt lucky to have met his friends and acquaintances so far
Had a photograph published in a local art magazine
Found out that about 80 feet is as high of a cliff face he can free climb
Found out the hard way that his brain does not transfer the information to his limbs quick enough to survive too many novice level downhill mountain bike races
There are more of course, maybe I'll keep adding to this
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